“I refuse to live as half myself because other people can’t handle all of me.” - Rachel Hollis

I have always lived for other people, and still do to a point. In 2019, I decided to take control over what was left of my life. I had a great life with an amazing family who loved and supported me.  But I was missing ME.  Yeah, I know. I was physically there, but mentally and spiritually, I was tired.  I wasn't living to my true potential. I had let past traumas control my narrative. I couldn't think clearly and all of my dreams just seem to lay unfulfilled.

I had a moment when I realized that this life of mine was a gift. And that I needed to wake up and take it back.  I worked to become my greater self.  Routine, exercise, diet and meditation enabled me to reconnect to who Dana was and is.  And not everyone can handle this version of me but more importantly, I love who I am. I am proud of this version of myself. 

Because I fought for it.

Don't ever leave anything on the table. Go after what you want and who you want to be.

You are worth it.



Do it anyway.