Do it anyway.

When I started this website, I didnt know what I was doing. I had been coaching women through all of their hard stuff and had some big dreams around launching my subscription box service. The website was necessary to tie all of my work together in one place. I have such a great team of people who help to guide and mentor me through some of my challenges.

But I was still afraid. I was really freaking out. I was going a 100 miles an hour (my usual speed) and working to keep all of my wheels in place. But… this is a big but… I had a vision around launching a Care Package that I could turn into a subscription service. I would be able to empower other women not only with a coaching service but through a self care product. As women, we take care of everyone else and often neglect ourselves. My Care Package was created for YOU in mind.. the woman who needs to be reminded that she is important and that she deserves to be pampered.

Curating the items in the box came easily for me. I focused on Cincinnati based vendors who I had previous relationships with. We worked together to create my vision using their products. My branding came through perfectly thanks to Southern Scribble. It hasn’t been easy and I have been so scared every day.
Putting myself out there, showing up as my authentic self showcasing a vision that was important to me created a raw and vulnerable place for me to live in . I know one thing, God created me to be great. I tell this to my clients everyday. They deserve to walk in their God created greatness and to stand in their POWER.

Who would I be if I coached them in this philosophy and didnt keep living it for myself?
So .. here I am. I launched my Mama Schon Care Packages in March 2023.. it is exactly one month later.

I am 80% sold out.

I am so grateful that I did it all scared. I didnt quit. I did it anyway.
And you can to. Go Hard after your big ideas. Never settle. God wants it for you.


Mama Schon


Living Abundantly through Soul Work


“I refuse to live as half myself because other people can’t handle all of me.” - Rachel Hollis